Which containers should be used for extra virgin olive oil?

Here is a complete guide

A premise is important:

Extra virgin olive oil is a precious product that requires care and attention at every stage, from olive harvesting to conservation. Choosing the right container is essential to preserve its organoleptic characteristics and guarantee its quality over time.

Here we will explore in depth the world of containers for extra virgin olive oil, providing a complete overview of the different types available, their strengths and weaknesses, the most important selection criteria and how to use and maintain them.

Having said this, let's explore the world of containers for extra virgin olive oil

There are different types of containers for extra virgin olive oil, each with its own characteristics and peculiarities:

       The glass:

Glass is the material traditionally most used for extra virgin olive oil. The main characteristic of glass is that it is inert, it does not release substances into the oil and protects it from light, particularly dark-coloured ones, preserving its color and taste. Glass bottles are produced in the most varied shapes and the dimensions determine their capacity, the most used being 100 ml. - 250ml. – 500 ml. – 750 ml. And 1 litre. The cap is important and can be the simple one in aluminium, but under the aluminum capsule a food-grade plastic one with anti-refill function is increasingly used, mandatory for bottles that are served on the tables of restaurants or other catering establishments in type. The main reason, in addition to avoiding unwanted oil spills, is adding (topping up) or filling with oil that does not correspond to what is declared on the label, to safeguard consumers.

·       Stainless steel:

stainless steel is a robust, hygienic and easy to clean material. It is impervious to light and air, ensuring optimal preservation of the oil. Stainless steel containers are available in different shapes and sizes, even with spout dispensers for precise pouring.

·       Tin:

Tin is a cheap and lightweight material, often used for large containers intended for transportation or storage. Good quality cans are lined on the inside with a protective layer that prevents direct contact of the oil with the metal. However, tin is not the ideal material for long-term storage of oil, as it can slightly alter the flavor over time. The formats are generally 1 litre. – 2lt. – 3lt. – 5 litres. As stated above, it is preferable to purchase milk with a lower content, taking into account personal and family consumption

·       Ceramic:

Ceramic containers are an elegant and decorative option for storing oil in the kitchen. Ceramic is a breathable material that allows the oil to breathe slightly, promoting micro-oxygenation which can enhance some organoleptic characteristics. However, ceramic is fragile and does not completely protect the oil from light, so it is advisable to use it for small quantities to be consumed quickly.

·       Plastic:

Plastic containers are lightweight, cheap and practical, but they are not the ideal choice for long-term storage of extra virgin olive oil. Plastic, especially low quality plastic, can release harmful substances into the oil and alter its flavour. Additionally, plastic does not protect the oil from light, so it is advisable to use dark or opaque plastic containers and store them in a dark place.

The choice of container

When choosing a container for extra virgin olive oil, several factors must be taken into account, let's see which ones:

·       Quantity of oil:

the size of the container must be proportionate to the quantity of oil to be stored. The needs for your own consumption and that of your family unit will determine the choice of formats: for smaller consumption it is preferable to choose containers from 250 ml to 1 litre, while for larger quantities containers from 2 to 5 liters can be used. In this choice, the frequency of use is also important: in Italian families, especially where they are attentive to a healthy diet, perhaps following the dictates of the Mediterranean Diet, the consumption of extra virgin olive oil is daily and it is advisable to choose small containers or medium size, more practical to handle and use and also because we will always have oil that maintains its freshness of taste.

·       Storage methods:

if the oil is stored in the pantry, at room temperature, it is important to choose a dark glass or stainless steel container that protects the oil from light. In any case, it is important to avoid proximity to heat sources; for example, do not expose the cans to direct contact with sunlight which would heat the oil contained, inevitably altering its organoleptic and flavor characteristics (typically leaving the cans outside on a terrace or balcony...). If, however, the oil is stored in the refrigerator, it is also possible to use transparent containers, but it is a solution that we do not recommend -

·       Aesthetics:

the container for extra virgin olive oil can also be a decorative element in the kitchen.  In fact, ceramic containers of the most varied shapes and colors are now widespread and are often true masterpieces of craftsmanship. There are Italian regions where the art of ceramics produces true masterpieces, one of a kind. Lately there is a very fashionable trend, which also has its precious function and utility, to give handcrafted oil cruets of excellent workmanship containing fine extra virgin olive oil; they are gastronomic favors given to their guests and which are highly appreciated for various events and ceremonies: weddings, baptisms, confirmations, communions or to celebrate birthdays, graduations, but also for company meetings and conventions given to customers, partners and important participants.

Bag-in-Box containers: an innovative solution for extra virgin olive oil

Bag-in-Box containers, also known as "bag boxes", represent an innovative and versatile solution for the packaging, conservation and distribution of various liquid products, including extra virgin olive oil.

Let's see its structure and functioning

A Bag-in-Box container is made up of two main elements:

·       Internal bag:

the internal bag is made of high-barrier multilayer plastic material, which isolates the product from air, light and external agents, preserving its organoleptic characteristics and guaranteeing a long shelf life.

·       Outer box:

the external box is made of sturdy and customizable corrugated cardboard, which protects the internal bag and facilitates the transport and handling of the container.

·       Delivery system

The dispensing system consists of a measuring tap positioned on the short side of the box which allows you to pour the extra virgin olive oil in a practical and hygienic way, avoiding spills and waste.

Advantages of Bag-in-Box containers

Let's see what the advantages of Bag-in-Box containers for extra virgin olive oil are:

·       Prolonged freshness:

the internal sealed bag guarantees perfect conservation of the oil, preserving its taste, aroma and nutritional properties over time.

·       Practicality of use:

the measuring tap allows clean and precise dispensing, without drips, making it easier to season dishes and avoiding waste.

·       Food safety:

the materials used for the internal bag and the external box comply with current health and hygiene regulations, guaranteeing the food safety of the product.

·       Eco-sustainability:

Bag-in-Box containers are recyclable and have a lower environmental impact than glass or plastic bottles, helping to reduce pollution and promote sustainability.

·       Space optimization:

the compact and modular shape of Bag-in-Box containers allows you to optimize storage and transport spaces, reducing warehouse and handling costs.

·       Versatility:

Bag-in-Box containers are available in different capacities ranging from 3 liters to 20, including 5 and 10 litres. The latest innovation of this period is the introduction of 1 and 2 liter formats, continuing the policy of attention to the eco-sustainability of industrial-food packaging.

Use and maintenance of Bag-in-Box containers

It is important to know and apply some simple precautions to use Bag-in-Box containers correctly:

·       Storage:

store the containers in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources and direct light.

·       Opening:

once the tap is opened, the oil is preserved for several weeks thanks to the hermetic closure system of the internal bag.

·       Cleaning:

wash the measuring tap with water and neutral detergent after each use to maintain the hygiene of the container.

In conclusion, we can state that Bag-in-Box containers represent an innovative and advantageous solution for the packaging, conservation and distribution of extra virgin olive oil. Their practicality, safety, eco-sustainability and versatility make them an ideal choice for producers, distributors and end consumers, helping to enhance the organoleptic qualities of this precious product and reduce the environmental impact.

Furthermore, in addition to the advantages listed above, Bag-in-Box containers also offer an interesting marketing and communication opportunity for extra virgin olive oil producers. In fact, the external box, which is customizable, allows you to create eye-catching and distinctive packaging, which helps to enhance the brand and communicate the manufacturer's values ​​to the final consumer.

Ultimately, Bag-in-Box containers are a modern and responsible choice for the packaging and distribution of extra virgin olive oil, combining practicality, safety and sustainability with the valorisation of an excellent product.

Finally, we must point out that packaging extra virgin olive oil is a delicate process that requires attention to best preserve the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of the product. The ideal place to package extra virgin olive oil must meet several requirements:

1.       Protected Environment:

Extra virgin olive oil is sensitive to light, heat and oxygen, it therefore becomes essential that the packaging place is dark or has minimal lighting, at a controlled temperature (preferably between 15 and 20°C) and with good ventilation to keep the environment cool and dry.

2.       Cleanliness and Hygiene:

The room must be clean and compliant with current health and hygiene regulations. Oil is a delicate food and can easily become contaminated if the environment is not properly sanitized. Operators must wear appropriate clothing and follow rigorous cleaning protocols.

3.       Packaging Materials:

The choice of containers that protect the oil from light and oxidation is essential. Ideal materials are dark glass, metal (like stainless steel), and composite materials that block UV rays. Dark glass is particularly appreciated for its ability to protect the oil and for its recyclability, but we have seen how Bag in Box packaging is becoming increasingly popular and is increasingly used for its undeniable advantages.

4.       Appropriate Equipment:

The machines used for packaging must be modern and well maintained to avoid contamination and oxidation. The bottling lines must guarantee rapid and precise filling, minimizing the contact of the oil with the air.

5.       Temporary Storage:

The extra virgin olive oil produced is not bottled immediately and above all not in a single solution. There is therefore a need to be stored correctly to avoid any alteration of the precious characteristics of the product. The system to be used is storage in stainless steel tanks under nitrogen, so as to avoid contact with the atmosphere and prevent oxidation. These tanks must be cleaned and kept at a controlled temperature.

6.       Quality Control:

One way to best guarantee the consumer would be to test, before packaging, each production batch of extra virgin olive oil to verify its quality. This involves chemical and sensorial analyzes in order to ensure that the oil maintains its original peculiar characteristics.

7.       Logistics and Distribution:

The packaging location should be logistically well located to facilitate distribution. A good transportation network helps reduce transit times, keeping the oil fresh until purchased.

In conclusion, the best place to package extra virgin olive oil is a controlled, clean and hygienic environment, equipped with the right equipment and materials to ensure that the product maintains all its qualities until the moment of consumption. This not only protects the oil, but also ensures that consumers can enjoy a high-quality product, rich in flavor and health benefits.