Producing extra virgin olive oil is not an easy thing, you need technology, knowledge, equipment, and, above all, olive trees. But producing oil is not enough, you have to SELL it! Big multinational corporations have channels that lead to large-scale distribution, often accompanied by advertising campaigns with great expenditure of resources, including Tv, Radio, road signs, newspaper and magazines, and then arrive on the market with prices that make you doubt about the quality of extra virgin olive oil and especially that it is Italian. The space for medium, small, and very small producers is smaller and smaller and difficult to occupy; moreover, companies that produce TRUE and ITALIAN extra virgin olive oil, from the collection of olives to bottling, cannot compete with the prices proposed by big companies. Moreover, if the price is right, which means that people are fairly paid, that there is no speculation or exploitation, but care and respect for the land, along with passion for what you do, it can absolutely not be competitive with those who, in most cases, we find of supermarket shelves. We should understand that the value of what we pay is not a high price nor a low price, but a fair price, because it turns into quality, respect, taste and beauty, first of all for you. Then, what should we do? The web offers us a way that, through websites, portals or marketplaces, links small and medium-sized producers directly with consumers who often look for quality products and who often do not find them in traditional shops and are willing to spend something more to buy and meet their needs and tastes. Nowadays, more and more consumers are turning to the Internet for their purchases and the growth in sales, especially in food, has had double-digit increases in recent years. But how could you enter this market that is not only Italian, but international, where the made in Italy is increasingly sought-after, especially for food and consequently for Italian extra virgin olive oil that is an integral and fundamental part of the Mediterranean diet? You can create your own website and look out on the major social networks, but this costs a lot and you have to turn to sector specialists in order to help you. Another hypothesis is to subscribe to a sales portal where costs are much lower, but often they are not specialised and become great bazaars with too many products of many different kinds and you risk total anonymity. created a marketplace dedicated exclusively to Italian extra virgin olive oil to give the opportunity to our small companies, with a minimum cost, to present themselves on a market that currently includes 17 countries in the world, open 24 hours a day and where a shop dedicated to each manufacturer was created and an efficient system of logistics and safe payments was made available. It is a unique opportunity that you should not missed out in order to win new customers, even foreigners, so that your commitment and your work in carrying out your company will be recognised, through a fair price.