What does EVO OIL mean

EVO oil and extra virgin olive oil are the same thing. The acronym was created to differentiate extra virgin olive oil from all other types of olive oil by the professor and agronomist Massimo Epifani (teacher and consultant of the National School Città dell'Olio, certainly among the main oil experts in Italy) to indicate Extra Virgin Olive Oil. EVOO is the cornerstone of the Mediterranean Diet and its nutraceutical properties are now confirmed by countless scientific research. Nutraceutical is a term that was coined in 1989 by Dr. Stephen L. De Felice (founder of FIM – The Foundation for Innovation in Medicine. Graduated from Temple University, he received his PhD in Medicine from Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He specializes in Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases. Dr. Stephen De Felice, in 1989, classified all those nutritional principles contained in foods which have beneficial effects on health as nutraceuticals. Most nutraceuticals have plant origins and are found in fruit and vegetables, such as fibre, soy proteins, phytosterols and polyphenols (present in extra virgin olive oil). They have the ability to reduce the free radicals that our body normally produces, strengthening the immune system, consequently the daily use of EVO oil is fundamental for our Health.

EVO oil is obtained by pressing the olives harvested from the olive tree at a controlled temperature (cold), avoiding contact with the ground. The olives harvested by hand (picking) or with special shakers, after being separated from the leaves and washed, go to milling without undergoing any treatment. The harvest takes place on different dates starting from the month of September (early harvest) and depends on the areas, climatic events and above all on the varieties or cultivars; in Italy we have a very rich biodiversity with over 600 different qualities of olives with different peculiarities of flavor and organoleptic characteristics. Early harvesting favors a better quality of the extracted oil with a greater content of polyphenols, antioxidant substances that are very important for human health, characterized by a fruity taste where spiciness and low acidity are particularly evident.

The cultivation of the olive tree and the production of extra virgin olive oil have ancient historical and cultural roots in Italy; There are many family-run farms that have handed down their skills in the olive oil business for generations. Many have land with even centuries-old trees that are the backdrop to the views of the Mediterranean scrub in much of Italy.

The constant use of EVO oil constitutes a very valid bulwark for the well-being of our health; the high content of antioxidant polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on our cardiovascular system and in fact extra virgin olive oil represents the essential component of the Mediterranean Diet, universally accredited as the best nutrition system for humans as well as having been recognized by UNESCO in 2010 as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. On Italian tables there is often a bottle of quality EVO oil which, in addition to being a symbol of tradition and conviviality, flavors and enriches the taste of the many dishes of the Italian culinary tradition.

The English language has also adopted an acronym to identify extra virgin olive oil; Rachel Ray, a well-known American chef and television personality (she hosted the show "30 Minute Meals" on the Food Network channel), thought of it with the creation of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), now commonly used in international recipes in English. The use of EVOO has created a familiarity with the term and increasingly widespread use of extra virgin olive oil in international cuisine recipes.

Today the use of the term "OlioEvo" is now widespread, demonstrating the indispensability of its use in Italian cuisine. After all, Italy is one of the largest producers and consumers of extra virgin olive oil in the world, testimony to its ancient history and also represents one of the fundamental products of our agriculture and national pride.

The importance of the acronym OlioEVO is also represented by the registration of the trademark which took place in Italy in 2014 at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), which is part of the Italian Agency for the Protection of Industrial Property (UIBM) by private individuals who have granted its use on loan to the company Olioevo S.r.l.s., an Italian company that owns the Olioevo.eu marketplace