The extra virgin olive oil of Abruzzo

The extra virgin olive oil of Abruzzo is a typical and valuable product produced in this region located in central Italy which enjoys an ideal climate for the cultivation of olives.

The Abruzzo EVO oil, due to the peculiarity of the territory which has particular orographic characteristics of position and climate, is obtained from olives of different varieties: the Dritta, the Gentile di Chieti, the Castiglionese, the Gentile dell'Aquila, the Intosso, Nebbio di Chieti and Crognalegna.

The best quality extra virgin olive oil from Abruzzo has a fruity and intense taste, with a characteristic note of slight spiciness and bitterness. They are organoleptic peculiarities due to the particular environmental conditions and the soil in which the olives are grown.

The best extra virgin olive oil from Abruzzo is obtained by cold extraction, which guarantees its quality and the conservation of the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the oil. This extraction process takes place within a few hours of the olive harvest, so as to keep the aromas and flavors intact.

Both Italian and international cuisine greatly appreciates the extra virgin olive oil of Abruzzo, used raw to dress salads, vegetables, bruschetta and fish dishes. To better evaluate its superior quality, it is ideal to simply enjoy it with a slice of bread.

Abruzzo EVO oil is rich in antioxidants, monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamins E K, all properties that make Abruzzo extra virgin olive oil a healthy and beneficial food for our body from a nutritional point of view.

To obtain the certainty of authenticity and its quality it is preferable to buy Abruzzo extra virgin olive oil from local producers or trusted mills that adhere to rigorous production standards and use traditional methods for processing the olives. To help in this search, specialized sites can be used, such as which offer local and reliable producers.

Let's go on to describe the cultivars (types of olives) grown in Abruzzo:


The Dritta olive is a variety of olives which takes its name from the characteristic straight shape of the olives, characterized by an elongated cylindrical shape, with a pointed tip. The color of the skin is intense green when they are not yet ripe and then become dark purplish or black. The pulp is juicy and with a high oil content. Its color is an intense green and the aroma is fruity, with hints of aromatic herbs and a slight bitter note. On the palate, the oil derived from Dritta olives is balanced and slightly spicy. Its use lends itself well to seasoning salads, vegetables, pasta and other culinary preparations. Also excellent as table olives, the olives of the Dritta variety are processed in brine or marinated. With a crunchy texture and slightly bitter taste, they are perfect to be added to appetizers, pizzas or dishes of cured meats and aged cheeses.

Gentile di Chieti

The Gentile di Chieti olive is originally from the Abruzzo region; its name comes from the city of Chieti, one of the provinces of the region. Gentile di Chieti olives have an elliptical or rounded shape with a medium size. The skin of the olives varies its color from green to purplish during the ripening process. The pulp of the olives is juicy with a high oil content which has a bright golden color and a fruity aroma, with hints of herbs and almonds. The oil is balanced to the taste, with a slight bitter note and a delicate sweetness. Gentile di Chieti extra virgin olive oil is widely used in Abruzzo cuisine to season salads, vegetables, pasta and fish-based dishes. Gentile di Chieti are also very popular as table olives. Processing is in brine or marinating and they are an excellent choice for appetizers and culinary preparations.


Its name derives from the Tuscan area where it originates, i.e. Castiglion Fiorentino, but it also has a thriving production in Abruzzo. With an elongated shape, the color of the peel is intense black and the drupe is very rich in oil with an intense green color with an intense fruity aroma, the taste balanced with a light bitter note. Its flavor enhances the flavors of dishes, especially salads and vegetables, but also those of meat and cheese. Widely used as a table olive, processed in brine or marinated, it is highly appreciated as an appetizer for its slightly sweet taste.

Gentile dell’Aquila

As you can imagine, the name derives from the city of L'Aquila and is a variety very present in Abruzzo. Of medium size and oval in shape, the peel, when ripe, is black in color and the pulp is rich in oil with a delicate and slightly sweet flavour. The extra virgin olive oil produced with this cultivar has a golden yellow colour, the aroma is fruity with a balanced taste with a slight bitter note and hints of aromatic herbs and almond. Widely used in traditional Abruzzo cuisine, Gentile dell'Aquila extra virgin olive oil is perfect for dressing salads, vegetables, pasta and fish-based dishes. For appetizers and cheese dishes, the Gentile dell'Aquila olives are often paired, after being processed in brine or marinating


Its name derives from "intosso" which in Calabrian dialect means "intense", a region, Calabria, where this cultivar is very present, but we also have this cultivar in Abruzzo. Its skin has an intense green color that turns black when fully ripe. The elongated shape and medium size are its morphological characteristics, while the pulp of the olives of the Intosso cultivar is juicy with a high oil content. The aroma is an intense fruity, hints of aromatic grass and a small aftertaste of almonds. The taste of the extra virgin olive oil obtained from this variety has an intense flavor with a slight spiciness. Intosso EVO oil is used in the kitchen to dress salads, vegetables, meat and fish dishes, giving them a characteristic flavour. Intosso olives, subjected to processing in brine or marinated, are characterized by their fleshy pulp and intense flavor and are an ideal choice for appetizers and to enrich pizzas, sandwiches and cheese plates.

Nebbio di Chieti

It is an olive particularly cultivated in the province of Chieti from which it takes its name. Its is an elliptical shape of medium size and the skin has an intense green color which becomes purplish-black when fully ripe; the pulp of Nebbio di Chieti olives is very juicy with a high oil content. From this cultivar a much appreciated extra virgin olive oil is obtained, with a golden color and an intense fruity aroma, with hints of aromatic herbs and almonds. The taste is balanced and slightly bitter. In Abruzzo cuisine, Nebbio di Chieti EVO oil is used to season salads, vegetables, delicate with fish-based pasta dishes. The territory of the Abruzzo region, together with its Mediterranean climate, is particularly suitable for the cultivation of the Nebbio di Chieti olive and other cultivars due to these favorable conditions and traditional methods are often used to safeguard the region's biodiversity.


Another variety mainly present in Abruzzo is the Crognalegna olive, an autochthonous variety which derives its name from its particularly hard wood, used to make the handles of axes and other tools. This cultivar has medium or large dimensions and an elongated shape; its skin is green in color and becomes purplish-black when fully ripe. The pulp of the Crognalegna olive variety is fleshy and contains a high oil content. The extra virgin olive oil obtained from Crognalegna olives has an intense golden yellow color, the aroma is intensely fruity, with hints of aromatic herbs and there is a slight note of spiciness. The taste is balanced with a slight bitter note. Crognalegna EVO oil is used in Abruzzo cuisine to season salads, vegetables, pasta and other traditional culinary preparations. The olive groves of the Crognalegna olive variety are mainly concentrated in the provinces of Chieti and Pescara; here The soil and the Mediterranean climate offer ideal conditions for the cultivation of quality olives following traditional and sustainable methods, which respect the surrounding environment.