There are several terms to describe varieties of extra virgin olive oil and their combinations. Some productions of Evo Oil, or extra virgin olive oil, can be obtained from a single variety of cultivated olives or cultivars and therefore it will be monovarietal or monocultivar Evo Oil; when, however, the extra virgin olive oil is obtained from the union of different varieties of olives or from the union of different extra virgin oils it will be a multivarietal extra virgin olive oil or blend or even coupage.

Monovarietals or monocultivars are extra virgin oils obtained exclusively from a single variety of olives. This type of production allows us to obtain oils with complete and distinctive sensory profiles of a specific variety of olives which is typical of certain territories. Monovarietal extra virgin olive oil is a fine EVO oil, with unique characteristics that reflect the variety of olives from which it is produced. Each Italian region is the guardian of some varieties of olives typical of that territory, which are cultivated following ancient traditions and handed down for generations. Many single-varietal extra virgin oils can boast a P.D.O. certification. (Protected Designation of Origin) or P.G.I. (Protected Geographical Indication) which guarantees its authenticity and origin from a specific region. In Italy, single-varietal extra virgin olive oil is highly appreciated and varies considerably from region to region. All the varieties of olives used for the production of quality extra virgin oil offer a unique tasting experience and are now appreciated for their unique and particular sensorial characteristics.

The blend, also defined as multi-varietal or coupage, is generally composed of different varieties of olives, but also of several mono-varietal extra virgin olive oils combined together in order to obtain a mixture that reflects the optimal taste and olfactory characteristics of each variety but which require different harvesting and milling periods distant from each other over time. Blend is an English term used to describe the art and mastery of combining flavors and aromas that allow you to create something unique and original. This wise practice, in addition to being used in gastronomy and catering, has been used for some time in the world of wine, whisky, coffee and extra virgin olive oil.

Some blends or multi-varietals are produced with varieties of olives that are harvested and milled together at the same time in a single period. This type of extra virgin olive oil is also called natural Coupage. Normally this harvesting and milling practice takes place in small olive groves where it is impossible to separate the olives by variety, or in centuries-old or ancient olive groves where it is common to find many different olive cultivars.

The mixture of different varieties of olives or extra virgin olive oil is often necessary in the production of extra virgin olive oil with Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.) certification or for those with Protected Geographical Identification (P.G.I) for various reasons, the main ones being:

-       The specification for PDO or PGI productions takes care of traditional agricultural practices, preserving and recommending blends of specific varieties that have been cultivated and developed over time, precisely to produce extra virgin olive oil with specific sensorial and organoleptic characteristics associated with a particular region; respecting these traditions is essential to preserve the authenticity of the final products and the territories from which the product comes.

-       Not to be overlooked is the geographical position, which includes soil, climate, exposure to the sun and other environmental factors that play a fundamental role in the flavor and characteristics of a quality extra virgin olive oil. The combination of different cultivars manages to best reflect and express the peculiarities of each territory and the mixtures of different varieties can help guarantee more stable olive production. The use of different varieties of olives is often necessary to better respond to weather conditions and diseases, helping to limit production risks and guarantee a constant harvest.

-       The aromatic mixture of the different varieties can provide greater olfactory and gustatory complexity to the final product. Each variety of olives brings its own characteristics and their combination allows you to create a richer and more balanced range of products suitable for different culinary combinations.

-       The conservation of biodiversity and olive growing heritage should not be overlooked. Currently more than 1,700 varieties of olives have been registered throughout the world and of these approximately 600 are present on Italian territory. Therefore, mixing varieties in the production of Evo oil helps to prevent the disappearance of apparently less "profitable" endemic cultivars, but which are part of the national olive heritage, thus contributing to the maintenance of biodiversity.

-       Mixing different cultivars in the production of DOP Evo oil and in the production of PGI extra virgin olive oil helps to preserve local traditions, define the territories of cultivation, milling and packaging of the product, ensure stable production as much as possible and preserve the genetic heritage.

Today the production of extra virgin olive oil is the result of precise work, where each producer brings into play the experience that has been handed down to him and that he has acquired over time thanks also to new extraction systems which with the contribution of expert tasters they are able to create extra virgin olive oils with excellent quality and taste. From the combination of the different varieties of olives or expertly mixed oils that combine bitter, spicy, aromas of fruit, flowers, fresh grass, artichoke etc., extra virgin olive oils with a unique profile are born.

In summary, Italian Monovarietal or Blend EVO oil is known for its fresh aroma, complex taste and rich particularity of sensory notes. It is a fundamental ingredient in Italian and international cuisine, it is recommended both for use raw to season salads, vegetables, meat and fish but it is equally appreciated in medium-long cooking and for high-temperature cooking such as frying thanks to its high smoke point. In short, a highly healthy food!!!