Tacos with pink prawns and romaine lettuce.

The highest quality ingredients are needed to prepare this fresh and tasty appetizer. First of all: pay attention to the choice of pink prawns and lettuce, ingredients that must be very fresh to guarantee an excellent final result and above all for their nutritional properties. Pink prawns are rich in proteins and B vitamins, they also contain zinc, a useful substance for the proper functioning of our metabolism, phosphorus and calcium for the health of the entire bone system and teeth, iron for transport of oxygen in the blood and selenium as an antioxidant. They also contribute to the protection of the heart and arteries thanks to the low content of saturated fats and the rich content of potassium and omega 3.

Romaine lettuce promotes intestinal transit, contains interesting quantities of provitamin A, which contributes to the well-being of our skin and eyesight, it also contains group B vitamins important for cardiovascular well-being and vitamin C useful for preventing the increase in bad cholesterol in the blood and cellular aging.

Ingredients and doses for 4 people:

250 gr. of Leccino Monovarietal Organic EVO Oil

200 gr. of corn flour

100 gr. of flour type “0”

200 gr. of Pink Shrimps

60 gr. of White Wine

50 gr. of Sour Cream

1 medium sized Romaine lettuce

Salt and Pepper To Taste.

Preparation steps:

In a bowl, pour 200 grams of Leccino monovarietal organic extra virgin olive oil, 60 grams of white wine, 200 grams of corn flour and 100 grams of type “0” flour, salt and pepper. Knead everything until you obtain a compact and homogeneous consistency, let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. In the meantime, clean the pink prawns from the shell and keep the heads. Create a roughly chopped tartare with the prawns which you will season with salt, pepper and Leccino Monovarietal Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and leave to marinate for about thirty minutes. Take the Taco dough from the refrigerator and, using a rolling pin, roll it out like a sheet of dough with a thickness of approximately 0.3 millimeters and with a pastry cutter with a diameter of approximately 12 cm. create records. Place the discs on a form suitable for baking such as gianduiotto to give the typical Taco shape, or use any other mold to create a sort of container for the shrimp and lettuce based filling. Bake them at 170° for about 10 minutes and after taking them out of the oven, fry them in oil for about a minute. At this point the Tacos will be ready for filling. Now take the previously preserved prawn heads and place them in a suitable container to be able to process them with an immersion blender, add a little bit of Leccino monovarietal organic extra virgin olive oil, blend them until you obtain an emulsion and pour everything with the help of a strainer. Now take the romaine lettuce, clean it, wash it and dry it carefully, leaving the leaves whole. Prepare a saucepan with just a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and sauté the lettuce over a medium heat so that it is lightly browned but without cooking it, season it with the prawn head emulsion and turn off the heat. Take the preparation and with the help of a knife and a cutting board, cut the browned lettuce as if you were preparing a salad. Now everything is ready to complete the dish. Take the tacos and fill them with the seared Roman lettuce salad and the prawn tartare. Complete everything by adding a few drops of sour cream to the Taco filling and serving.


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