Olio Evo - Olioextravergine d'oliva "Sette Lune" 100 ml. - 1
Olio Evo - Olioextravergine d'oliva "Sette Lune" 100 ml. - 2
Olio Evo - Olioextravergine d'oliva "Sette Lune" 100 ml. - 3
Olio Evo - Olioextravergine d'oliva "Sette Lune" 100 ml. - 1
Olio Evo - Olioextravergine d'oliva "Sette Lune" 100 ml. - 2
Olio Evo - Olioextravergine d'oliva "Sette Lune" 100 ml. - 3

EVOO - Extra virgin olive oli "Sette Lune" 100 ml.

Tax included

EVOO - Extra virgin olive oil "SetteLune" Bottle 100 ml.


Superior Category Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives grown entirely in Italy, harvested by hand and immediately pressed through mechanical processes within 24 hours after harvesting. A fresh oil with a rich and fruity aroma, bright green in color, which has a pleasant bitter-spicy sensation on the palate, typical of the Nocellara del Belice variety, but also the delicacy and fragrance typical of Biancolilla. The production, cultivation and packaging of "SetteLune" oil takes place in the area of ​​Santa Margherita di Belice, in the south-western area of ​​Sicily, between the Belice and Senore rivers.

Suitable for a vegetarian diet

About shop: Sette Lune
Products: 3
Date created: 2022-03-28

EVOO - Extra virgin olive oil "SetteLune" Bottle 100 ml.

For some years, after having acquired the current generational and entrepreneurial know-how, the company has wanted to create a label of its own, it is the "SetteLune": a Superior Category Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives grown entirely in Italy and 100% owned, harvested by hand and immediately pressed through mechanical processes within 24 hours after harvesting, thus maintaining all the qualities of the olive. A fresh oil with a rich and fruity aroma, bright green in color, which has a pleasant bitter-spicy sensation on the palate, typical of the Nocellara del Belice variety, but also the delicacy and fragrance typical of Biancolilla. The "SetteLune" is an oil that is very fragrant, with a freshly crushed green olive flavor, which carries within it all the goodness of the Sicilian territory. The production, cultivation and packaging of "SetteLune" oil takes place only in an area well localized and recognized all over the world which is the land of "Il Gattopardo", in the territory of Santa Margherita di Belice, in the south- western Sicily, between the Belice and Senore rivers. The city known for its tourist attractions linked to the writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa who lived here and set his romance "Il Gattopardo" there.

Suitable for a vegetarian diet

Scheda Olio:


Az. Agricola SetteLune di Pierino Sciarra


Olio Extravergine d’oliva 


Santa Margherita di Belice (AG) - Italy

Varietà Olive

Nocellara del Belice, Biancolilla

Tipo raccolta

Brucatura Manuale  con ausilio abbacchiatore


Entro le 24 h dalla raccolta – unicamente con procedimenti meccanici a freddo direttamente dalle nostre olive coltivate in Italia


Verde Brillante con riflessi Giallo Oro


Max totale 0,8


Fruttato Medio intenso non filtrato – presenta una piacevole sensazione di amaro-piccante - note di oliva verde appena frantumata – carciofo - mandorla

Anno di Raccolta

Tra la metà di ottobre e la metà di novembre 2021

Abbinamenti con pietanze

Piatti della cucina mediterranea – insalate – zuppe – grigliate di pesce e carne – formaggi stagionati

Italy: Sicilia

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