Francesco Casoli Farm

Francesco Casoli Farm

Date created: 2023-01-29
Francesco Casoli Farm
The Francesco Casoli farm was born in 2018 on the land owned by my maternal family located in Novilara, a fraction of the municipality of Pesaro. Until that date the production was mainly dedicated to cereals and wine grapes and was led by my parents and Francesco's uncle. With the entry into the company of the latter, the activity is directed towards the production of olives and vegetables; Francesco is in fact passionate and studious of the olive tree and the cultivation of vegetables in a regenerative organic agriculture regime. In fact, one of our goals is to improve the structure and health of the soil through agronomic practices such as grassing, green manure, fertilization with fertilizers of natural origin; moreover, for years we have completely abandoned the practice of burning pruning residues, which we shred on site or use to produce wood chips to be redistributed on the ground, increasing the bearing capacity and the carbon sequestration capacity of the latter. The approximately 100 owned olive trees are joined by another 550 for rent/management; we believe it is of fundamental importance to take care of all that heritage made up of small and medium-sized olive groves which, not being able to be followed by the owners, would fall into abandonment, constituting a serious loss in terms of agricultural, genetic and landscape wealth. The Francesco Casoli farm is a young reality and the company profile is constantly evolving. Recent are the study projects for the conversion of the family land from arable land to a mixed system of olive groves, vegetables and aromatic plants. In the medium and long term, the goal is to acquire some neighboring land to be used for the cultivation and custody of local varieties of olive trees, fruit trees and vegetables and to create its own laboratory for processing and transforming the raw material. What characterizes our work is the continuous research and study of both the olive tree, through courses in pruning and plant management, and the planning of the territory in an agroforestry key, in order to increase and best express the productive capacities of the land, allowing its regeneration with an increase in fertility without the use of synthetic chemicals.
The Francesco Casoli farm, with its nucleus consisting of the house and the owned land, is on the Pesaro side of the ancient Borgo della Luca, located on the homonymous mountain which divides the territories of Pesaro and Fano. We are located in the hamlet of Novilara, about 5km as the crow flies from the sea and about 10 km from both the town of Pesaro and that of Fano; it is easily reachable through the provincial road 45 which connects Fano to Pesaro passing through the hamlet of Santa Maria dell'Arzilla. The predominant crops in the area are vines, fodder legumes, olive trees and cereals. It is a territory of certain tourist and cultural interest because, in addition to the urban centers already mentioned, there are the nearby castles of Novilara, Candelara, Mombaroccio, Ripalta and Cartoceto, among the main cult sites that deserve attention from an architectural point of view as well that spiritual we find instead the Hermitage of Montegiove and the Sanctuary of the Beato Sante.
The extra virgin olive oil we produce is of a superior category. When our olives reach the correct degree of ripeness and veraison, which we determine with both physical and sensory methods, we proceed to harvest them by hand with the help of olive harvesters and have them processed by our trusted oil mill within a maximum time of 12/24 hours after harvesting, with a continuous cycle cold milling system. This procedure is important because it allows all the organoleptic characteristics of the olive to be kept intact and transferred to the final product with the utmost guarantee of quality.
Thus we give life to three oils:
 a monocultivar of Leccino variety
 a blend of Leccino, Raggiola and Moraiolo called "Tufo", which we produce from olive groves located in the valley of the Rio Secco, a small stream whose waters have a significant degree of salinity compared to its nature
 a blend of Leccino and Raggiola produced from the olive groves surrounding the core business in the Borgo della Luca area.
Our oils are packaged in 3 and 5 liter "Bag in Box" containers which keep the organoleptic characteristics intact from the opening of the package until the total use of the product.
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