EDE Farm
EDE Farm

EDE Farm

Date created: 2023-03-16
EDE Farm
The EDE Agricultural Company was born at the beginning of 2020 by the will of Carlo Spreafico, a botany enthusiast and lover of organic food products, who for many years cradled the dream of owning an olive grove to be able to produce his extra virgin olive oil , made according to tradition and nature. His adventure in Sicily began in 2016 when, almost by chance, he came across the property of Villa Monacelli in Chiaramonte Gulfi and immediately fell in love with it. The warm light of the sunset, which envelops and makes the silvery crowns of the olive trees blown by the wind shine, reveals the way forward... This is the right place! He immediately bought the property which at the time had about 300 olive trees, in addition to the farmhouse and a small vineyard. After some time, it decided to expand its borders and to acquire some neighboring olive groves, which had been abandoned for decades now, now counting more than 1,000 olive trees on more than 7 hectares of land. There is a lot of work to be done. To expand the cultivation it is necessary to reclaim the land infested with spontaneous vegetation, clean up the olive trees left to neglect and proceed with new plantings. On the farm we work with unceasing dedication to restore these lands to their original appearance and make them productive again. And the fruits are not long in coming...
Thus was born the extra virgin olive oil A BEDDU CORI, which in Sicilian means "from the heart", a name that recalls all the loving care with which the product is made. “In Chiaramonte Gulfi, extraordinarily good olive oil is produced: golden yellow, it is as if it is crossed by green shivers; tasty, fleshy, almost no acidity, I judge it the best on the island.” 50 years ago Luigi Veronelli, journalist and well-known gastronome, thus described the extra virgin olive oil produced in Chiaramonte Gulfi. In fact, the particular soil and climatic conditions and the cultivation methods, linked to a long tradition, make Chiaramonte and in particular the Gulfi area a place of choice for the cultivation of the olive tree. The EVO oil, which is produced here, has very valuable chemical and organoleptic characteristics. It is a natural antioxidant, particularly rich in polyphenols, with very low peroxides and a very low acidity rate. It is produced from the monovarietal cultivation of Tonda Iblea, a typical cultivar of this area. The marked typicality of the product and its exceptional quality have earned this oil the recognition by the European Community of DOP oil with the brand "Monti Iblei, Gulfi sub-area". For more than a decade now, Chiaramonte oil has received important awards and recognitions, both in Italy and abroad, so much so that it has become one of the best ever.
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